Female Escorts and Their Clients

Female escorts  offer a number of services to their clients, the most common of which is sexual activity. This is only one area of their work, however, and it’s important to remember that these women operate in a highly diverse, varied, and complex business with many different reasons, experiences, and viewpoints. Despite societal stigma and prejudice, it’s vital to go beyond the apparent presumptions of this line of work and to encourage compassion and respect for those who choose to engage in it.

Fifty-five women working in the indoor sex industry (brothels, massage parlors and private escorts) were recruited at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre, one of the largest sexual health clinics in Victoria, Australia. Participants were asked to fill in a questionnaire on a variety of topics, including the impact of their sex work on their personal relationships. Photographs were also collected from a website allowing female escorts to advertise and were coded for face and breast exposure (nipple or areola) and nude buttocks exposure.


The majority of women reported that they had commenced their sex work to meet financial needs. This could be because of the high cost of living in Victoria or a lack of employment. Poverty, drug addiction and fear of violence from pimps are also common motivations. Moreover, some women may have a misogynistic submission fantasy and see themselves as a ‘commodity’. It is important to note, however, that very few women become prostitutes because they want to. They typically enter the sex industry due to poverty, drug use or as an attempt to escape an abusive relationship.

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