Real-Life Parenting Struggles

Real-life parenting struggles are that parenting can be one of the most challenging things you will ever do. Whether you’re trying to raise exceptional children or you’re dealing with some less-than-ideal behavior, you will have times when you feel like you are in a parenting crisis. Fortunately, you’re not alone. Many other parents have been through this.

According to research conducted by Dr. Gawlik, the most common parenting struggles are:

1. Feeling like a failure

The fear that you’re not doing a good job as a parent is very common. Sometimes you will make a mistake or your child will act up and it can be easy to play the constant ‘what if’ game that keeps you from being present. This can also cause you to doubt yourself, leading to a lack of confidence and an inability to follow through with your decisions.

2. Being frustrated with your children’s behaviors

Disobedience is a big frustration for most parents. When your child doesn’t do what you ask, it can feel like a power struggle that escalates to aggression. It’s important to recognize the difference between your own feelings of irritation and what your child is really trying to accomplish through their defiance.

3. Frustration with your kids’ technology use

Many parents are struggling to cope with the increased amount of time their children spend on their phones, tablets, and computers. This is not only affecting their social lives, but it is also causing children to be less connected to their families. Ultimately, this can lead to problems down the road, such as poor school performance and troubled relationships with their friends.

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